It feels like it starts ten months before it happens. It's everywhere, billboards, commercials, radio breaks, posters and signs. Yes, it the umcoming presidential election. I have mixed feeling about this topic. I care and I don't care at the same time. I care for the sake of my parents. I don't want to anything to make them have a hard time, but then again, I'm still pretty young. I mean its not like I have to pay the bills or taxes for my family. I earn my allowance and then either save or spend my money. I don't go through what they have to. On T.V. I'm always hearing or seeing how destroyed people's lives are in the U.S., how more then half of the people in the Unitedd States are jobless. It sounds bad, and I don't like it but, I'm only 12.  I just have to wait till I'm 18!!!

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