If your uncle needed you to go to war for him would you? If you wanted you family to be happy but not see them for a year, would you? If there were only to choices between life but a quick death, would you? Well, those were my options. I could got to war since my uncle wasn't capable of going himself, or risk my families life by staying with my family. I had to chose what I felt was the best answer, to stay. My mother, father, and uncle wouldn't talk tome for days. I had to catch my own food, but got to stay home for shelter. My work, excelled, though because of my parent's anger about my decision. One day, i got upset in the fields and stormed back home. I slammed the front door and shouted at my mom, "I'm doing this for all of us!"  My mother looked up from her work, "So being so selfish is good for all of us?" she asked. "I'm sorry I don't want to risk my life in war! I'm 12! We could flee mother, away from Europe and take our religion with us! Let others have the joy we have in our lives!"  My mother sighed, "But you know that is not an option!"  I started to cry, "Then lets make it one! I don't want to leave you."  My father, grandfather, and uncle cam through the door from their hard labor in the fields, I was now going to have to face them.
     The idea of marrying at my age was unthinkable. Literally, I couldn't stand the fact that I would ever marry someone, at 13. I saw girls in the village scrummaging under the rules of men and political power. No way was I going to marry such a man, not even if he was 13 like me. I decided I would tell my father that I couldn't marry a man like that, nor would I. The lightning outside blared sounds and the rain pounded overhead. I picked at my meal as my father set down his wine glass, "Have you decided? A answer must be sent." Multiple things raced through my mind. The man had money, our country didn't. If I married, people would love me for what I did, if I didn't marry.. there would be serious consequences. I sighed and teared-up "I'll marry," my mother and father's jaws dropped, "under one condition, our armies must combine." A few maids, butlers, and servants peeked their heads into the dining hall. "WHAT?!" my father roared. "Do you know what will happen if we're both being attacked?" I thought for a moment. "Father, mother? Listen to me!" I cried, "If my husband dies, we will still have strong enough forces to rule, and not let our power come to an end. The armies will be combined so double the strength, half the want to fight our country, and more respect." My father rubbed his forehead in thinking, constant thinking. "I suppose," he said quietly. "That might be an option." I smiled ad thanked him, he interrupted me, "I said it might be an option. So calm yourself and never speak of this to anyone."
     I didn't know a lot about the man, in fact, I didn't know anything. A slave, I thought. I wondered if it was better than the life I had left at home, clearly, it was. I tried to struggled out of his strong grip. He was plump, and full as I had thougth earlier, full of fat. Instead, he was musclular and strong. To me, he felt more bolder in his presence. After being threatened and toyed with, I agreed to be his slave. I had to. After all, what differnce would  my opinion make? I had to be his slave, or I would be a wolf's-head to the whole country and soon, the world. 
     I wonderd what the man would have me do? Where was his home? Family? Sure enough he was able to afford them, especially if he made me his slave. Peasants don't use other peasants as slaves. It's just not... necesary. I needed a way out. Somehow, even if I was his slave for 7 days, I would need to escape. I couldn't live my life like this. The man, after all, knew I was trying to find my father. Surely, though, he would keep me captive in his strond arms until I would convenant with him I would stay. I needed some sort of escape plan. I hardly knew how to write, read, or even draw! What use woul dmy own self be to me? I was a fraud. A useless fraud. Then it struck me, surely, if I'm a fraud-like slave, the man would agree that I was of no good use, and send me off. Surely, indeed. I was dropped on the humid but firery ground. I was told I would be his servent, listen to his orders, and obey his every command. I took a moment to think of the concequenes for running off. I had to object, I wasn't being caught on to and running would be my only choice. I s I opened my mouth to speak but my brain whizzed and twisted so know part of my body could operate. Surely, I thought, this was death.