The Scientific Revolution...sounds kinda big, huh? Well, it was big. It changed our world and brought us to where we humans are today. All thanks to something called...the brain. 
     The Scientific Revolution started in the late 1500s when people started to want a change. Before, the church was the head of the world. If the pope, leader of the Catholic Church, said the earth was flat and made of hamburgers... that's what you believed. Of course people didn't have hamburgers back then. People weren't even allowed to read the Bible... only the priests and Pope could do that, plus the Bible was in Latin and most people read and spoke in English, Greek, German, or Italian. When the Protestants came about... many people started to think for themselves and had the opportunity to read the Bible. Lots of people found things others had never heard of. People actually started to use their brains and created many... many... MANY things. This was the Scientific Revolution..I

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