My uncle slowly rode over the hills to my village, he was traveling on camel with many men. Everyone stopped and stared as he slowly rode by. He stopped at my pottery stand and hopped of his camel. I put down a pot and stood, "Hello uncle." I knew he had been a traveler, but what I really wanted to know is why he came to my village. After all, nothing important really happened here. He motioned me to get onto  his camel. I sighed, "What would you like?" I tried to say it politely, for my uncle who had always been a very posturized man, replied, "I need to meet with your mother."
     I guided him and his camel to my home. My mother was so happy her brother had come to visit. I was dragged along inside my home with my uncle and my mother; but was then seperated from the two when my uncle insisted he talked "alone" with my mother.
      My mother came out with my uncle moments later. My uncle gave me a proposal, he wanted me to join his caravan! I stood motionless, should I go? I sighed, "I'm afraid I cannot go with you. I am sorry."  I felt terrible, but my family needed the money I earned at my pottery stand. My uncle did a small cough, "I understand, good day."  My mother hugged me in the doorway as we both watched my uncle's caravan drift off into the sunset. I felt good about my decision.

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