Muhammad was a Arabian man who, in the begining, lived a very hard life. Both of his parents died while he was at a very young age. He lived with his grandmother until his until his uncle took him. Muhammad traveled a lot with his uncle's caravans. Later, Mahummad got married and moved to a place called Mecca and later moved to a place called Medina. One day, when Muhammad went to a cave to meditate and pray and angel appeared to him! The angel told him to "Recite! Recite! Recite!"  The angel told Muhammad to teach the people that there is one god and many other things. muhammad started a relgion called Islam. The people who followed Muhmmad were called Muslims. Many people at first diliked Muhammad and after a while started to listen to him. Muhammad started to teach many things about what the angel had told him. People listened from all around, and that is how the Muslim religion started.

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