Winter: snow, happiness, love, Presents, Christmas, no school, a new year! That's Winter!!! Every single second of a minute of an hour of a day, I am enjoying my winter break. I am mostly looking forward to Christmas and family time. 
     Every year, my family makes a trip up to Utah to visit my family, and have Christmas all together. This year, where my family recently moved and got a new dog, it is really tricky to pay for gas for the 12 hour drive and not to mention Buddy Passes, if we were flying. When my parents told us (my sister, brother, and I) we were all really upset. I felt really sad and was super duper mad! I realized I wasn't the one paying for the gas, and if I was, it would take me a lifetime for one trip. Right now though, I feel sympathy for my parents. Its a lot of work to buy a new house, dog, and pay for Christmas presents. That's enough for me!
     I am looking forward to Christmas, even though it won't be in Utah. I will miss my family, but my mom's dad and his kids (my aunt and uncle) who are my age are coming down with their mom! I am really looking forward to that even though it will only be a short stay!
     Winter is a time of fun! At time where you get to look back on memories from other years! So spend time with your family and have fun! So have a very Merry Winter!

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