Madame Mofreiar's classroom was large, but unrecognizable. They used and old classroom that was used at a prison before the "academy" began. There were large brick walls and large metal poles banged against walls. The wind whistled outside and although the room had no windows, there were enough sites to see int he room.
"Take a seat please!" Madame Monfreiar shouted. Students scrambled around the room to find desks. Patrick, squeezing into the desk closest to him. "I am the wonderful Madame Monfreiar. I come in peace."  Some students giggled and other looked frightened. "This is you new 6th period classroom, training. I am honored, absolutely honored, to be teaching it. Let's start with the rules, shall we?"  Almost half of the students moaned, but Patrick picked at a piece of wood springing out from the side of his desk. Madame Monfreiar stood on her desk and sighed, "The is no shouting or screaming, laughing or dreaming. No bugs and no thugs. No screams and no sighs, no pouts and NO CRIES! And no annoying sounds." She hopped of her desk and smiled, "Got it?"
     Children gathered into the dining hall where teachers and students bustled about trying to find seats. Patrick squeezed into between two people he had never seen before that looked like they had done nothing to deserve this punishment, the academy. Mr. Oggle stood up on a stool and adjusted the height until he was perfectly placed higher than everyone in the room (although, he was on a platform.)  "Good day criminals! I hope you've all had a wonderful day learning about your stupid mistakes you made! Although, we do get paid for "teaching" you, so keep the mistakes going!"  Some teachers laughed and some students twitched. "I would like to introduce to you, a woman, who has changed my life." the crowd went quiet, "Madame MoFreair!" The woman Patrick has told he wasn't hungry to stood up. She was very skinny but had a large waste. She showed her bulky arms and the crown winced.  Patrick couldn't believe his eyes. That woman, he thought, would be training him.
    To where Patrick Higgle ran off? To his bedroom. Located on the top floor, otherwise known as, the attic. It was a largely spaced room full of nothing. Nothing except for, Patricks squeaking bed, his dresser, a side table, a lamp, and pieces of chalk placed... everywhere. Patrick enjoyed having a room to himself and not needing to share on with any of the other, interesting, children. In order to get to his room, in fact, he walked straight down the highest bedroom level. Pushed against a normal wall to find a spiral, wooden, staircase. After another hallways, and a few steps, a door stood with words "The Attic" inscribed on the door. Patrick could care less about where his room was placed, he just wanted a view of the city, miles away.
     The afternoon went by fast and soon Patrick found himself listening to the same old arguments. The meal; baked beans, a turkey sandwich, and carrots. "I'd rather starve." Patrick whispered as he pushed his tray away and picked up his bag. "Patrick, please sit down. " came a near by voice. "You haven't touched your food. Any of it." Patrick heard the plop of the beans falling to his try. "Umm... I not hungry Madam MonFreair."
     Happy Friday everyone! I hope you are all going to enjoy your 3 day weekend! I know I will! Like every week, I have to plan what I'm planning to do for my (3 day) weekend. There's just one really (Major) detail... I have no homework! YAH YAH YAH! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy because I have so much I want to do this weekend and now I'll finally have a chance to do it! 
     Today, after school, I have a birthday party! The cool thing is, my friend is 13 and is having her party at this super cool trampoline place! It's called SkyWalk and there's a foam pit, dodgeball court, and about 15 to 20 trampolines! I can't wait! Plus, my grandma is in town watching my siblings and I while my parents go on a work trip!!! Finally, THE DISNEY CRUISE COUNTDOWN BEGINS! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for  that the MOST! 28 days and then, TOOT TOOT... we're off. We get to go to "Disney's Cast-Away Cay) resort and island and DISNEYWORLD! I can't really start counting for my birthday in Disneyland but why bother start right now? I have things to plan, sights to see, and a wonderful weekend to enjoy!
     I know today isn't Friday, but I thought writing on this would be of good use to people debating between Red Ribbon Hero 2 or the videos Microsoft makes. 
     If you are a middle school teacher: If your a teacher, you want whats best for your student's brains. Depending on the grade, age level, academics... this could go on for years. Honestly, for middle school teachers, I wouldn't even bother with Red Ribbon hero. Why? I think this because, its for little kids. Two, it mixes up all the Microsofts. Three, there are no "well-made" practices. Microsoft offers a variety of videos, focusing on one topic, with "well-done" practices, and help if needed. Microsoft lets you go back and rel-look your mistakes and guides you through each practice. I did think Microsoft had a greater effect than Red  Ribbon Hero did.

     If your a middle school student: Red Ribbon hero is really fun. In fact, its more fun than Microsoft! Just, did you actually remember anything? Did you even go back and look at your mistakes. I personally think the Red Ribbon hero is to easy. If you like it... than learn from it! ;)

"Oligander!" "Switi!" "Oligander!!!" "Switi!!!" 
     This was all Patrick Higgle ever heard during lunch at the Academy of Arts For Misbehaved Children. After a while, it seemed to become quite tiresome and the library became a quick option for Partick to sneak off too. Every student at the Academy was an, of course, child who at one point in time, misbehaved. The Academy was large and confusing with all of its tunnels and passages and halls, of course; which meant the best of the best people would need to look over it. Just with Patrick's luck ( he was heading to the library, of course) he bumped into the one and only Mr. M.C. Oggle, the leader of the school. "Mr. Higgle?" He smiled while a large banner behind him titled, "WORK YOUR WORST? TIME TO BURST!", was being hung over the cafeteria doors. "And what exactly do you think your doing? Today's special was a tuna sandwhitch I believe. Correct?"  Patrick gulped, "Yes... s-s, sir. it sure was delicious!" Patrick turned around just to be grabbed again by Mr. Oggle on the shoulder, "Then what would that be?" Mr. Oggle said, pointing to a square-like shape hidden under Patrick's uniform. Patrick opened his mouth to speak but went just about breathless. "I have no idea- "I'm warning you boy! I have eyes everywhere!" Mr. Oggle grabbed the boy's jaw and pushed it down, then, from about 3 feet away threw a mint into Patrick's mouth, "Run along," he laughed, "And watch out!"
     The library was quiet except for the sound of bubble gum bubbles popping in students' mouths. Patrick scanned the isles of books so interested in finding the perfect book! Then, out of nowhere came the girl Patrick had been avoiding since he was transferred to the Academy. "Hello Angel." Patrick squeaked as she passed him. "Hello, Patrick... Higgle." Patrick opened his mouth to reply, by saying he had work to do and better leave but Angel spoke for him; "I wanted that book," she said, pulling he gum out of her mouth and rolling it around her finger. She was tall and large, completely overweight.. and pure scary. Angel grabbed the book out of Patrick's hands and shoved her gum into one of the pages, "Now I can read it! Want it back?" she asked showing all her fearsome teeth at poor little Patrick, "NO," he replied, "That book, in fact, doesn't interest me one bit. I've always hated wizards and goblins  Er....-Have a nice day, Angel!" and off he ran.
     Yep! It's Friday and I am already ready for the weekend! I'll tell you! It's been hard. All this waking up at 5:50 and going to bed at 10:00, it's going to be nice to sleep in a bit. So it looks like 3's the magic number. After all, I just had 3 weeks off no school and now a 3 day weekend! Jackpot! 
     Over my weekend, I am doing lots! I have my sister's 4th birthday "pajama" party and family in town! I have lots of friends I want to be with and lots of homework too!!! I realized a way to do it all. I'm organizing my weekend! Yippee! Haha, well... I do want time for everything! 
     Let's see, I have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off of school. I have 4 things I want to do. I would like to get my homework out of the way. So that means 2 things each day or 3 or 4 if I want to finish it all in one day. I am going to try to finish all my homework tonight so I will 2 and a half days off! On Saturday, I will help out with my sisters party at 5:00. So, if I get my chores done between 9:00 and 11:00 I'll have time to be with my friends!!! On Sunday, I am going to spend time with my family and relax. I might even, just possibly, paint my nails/toes. Monday, I will hang out with my friends and my family, and organize my backpack.
     I hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend and SLEEPS IN... a lot. Enjoy your weekend and like I said, SLEEP IN... or else! Nope, just kidding... but anyways................. SLEEP IN...
     I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited its Friday! Oh my gosh! Three weeks of no homework, early rising, rushing, busses! I can't believe Christmas is in four days! That's soooooooooooooo crazy, and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited! This Winter break I am going to sleep in, go to bed at twelve, eat lots of treats, and enjoy my family and Christmas time! I am literally going to run and play and just enjoy every second of every minute of every hour of ever day of every week! Can you tell I'm excited!?!? I sure can!
      For Christmas I want a lot of J Crew clothing and accessories. I also really want the new iPhone 5 and a ticket to Europe with my Grandma. I really enjoy spending time with my family and this week I will get to! I can't wait! Seriously, I am bursting out of my seat with joy. During winter break I really like to have a fire in my family's fireplace! I love the smell of the fire with the smell of our Christmas tree! 
      Over Christmas break I want to do is go shopping and go to a really cool place called Skywalk! I love going shopping after Christmas because I always get money for Christmas and being myself, I can never wait more than a month to spend it. Of course, unless, it is something that I really want!
     Christmas and Winter break is a time to enjoy and spend a lot of time with your family! So do that! You'll have a blast and realize your Christmas and Winter Break are sooooooo much better when you spend time with people you love. Take my advice! It's sooooooooo true! Also, remember what Christmas is really about, not about the presents, not about the mistletoe, not about Santa; it's about love. So remember that this break, and spend all the time you can with the people you love, because every second is worth it, even when you are mad. You have two/three weeks of nothing!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      If there is one thing about middle school I haven't got used to yet, it's homework. I spend up at least till 9:30 every night doing my homework. Then, I still need to o get things done. This weekend, oh my gosh I have a lot! It seriously stacks up to like ten feet tall! This week I need to get my Algebra project started and finished, and I have some science extra credit due on Wednesday. I have to get a  lot done. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it is! My Algebra project is really tricky and includes a lot of equations and numbers, plus a lot of words! I normally procrastinate though so I guess this is payback, or bad, bad karma. All I have to remember is 5 more days of school then off to a "Winter Wonderland." 

     I told you about how I procrastinate and all that; but I found this really funny joke! It's a "Will Ferrel" joke about things you typical Will Ferrel would say. It went like this,
Procrastination? No! I just wait till the last minutes because I will be older, therefore, wiser.
    It is kind of true, and super funny! I love the joke, and laugh every time I see it! Really, though, I do a "LOT "of homework to do, so I better get to it!
      Today, I got to read an article that talks about mistakes, misunderstanding, and attention. Sometimes, when someone or even when we do something wrong we tend to ask or need for help. Sometimes even when we don't get the full attention or our answers we keep going on doing something the wrong way. A lot of people ned someone who is willing to help them and give them their full attention. They tend to understand a lot more when someone is willing to spend time with them to help them understand. 
     My algebra class is really tricky for me. A lot of the time my teacher is busy with other students. Thankfully, I have my mom who is willing to sit, teach, and help me out on what I don't understand. 
     I think this article talks about no matter how smart you are... you are going to do something wrong at least once in your life and if you need help! That's ok! Remember next time someone asks you for help, and they just can't catch on, take your time to help them, and most likely... everything will work out as wanted/needed!!! Sometimes we need to take the time to help others because they might not understand like you! So just stick with it and help the people that, well... "Just Need The Attention!"