Yep! It's Friday and I am already ready for the weekend! I'll tell you! It's been hard. All this waking up at 5:50 and going to bed at 10:00, it's going to be nice to sleep in a bit. So it looks like 3's the magic number. After all, I just had 3 weeks off no school and now a 3 day weekend! Jackpot! 
     Over my weekend, I am doing lots! I have my sister's 4th birthday "pajama" party and family in town! I have lots of friends I want to be with and lots of homework too!!! I realized a way to do it all. I'm organizing my weekend! Yippee! Haha, well... I do want time for everything! 
     Let's see, I have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off of school. I have 4 things I want to do. I would like to get my homework out of the way. So that means 2 things each day or 3 or 4 if I want to finish it all in one day. I am going to try to finish all my homework tonight so I will 2 and a half days off! On Saturday, I will help out with my sisters party at 5:00. So, if I get my chores done between 9:00 and 11:00 I'll have time to be with my friends!!! On Sunday, I am going to spend time with my family and relax. I might even, just possibly, paint my nails/toes. Monday, I will hang out with my friends and my family, and organize my backpack.
     I hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend and SLEEPS IN... a lot. Enjoy your weekend and like I said, SLEEP IN... or else! Nope, just kidding... but anyways................. SLEEP IN...

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