Children gathered into the dining hall where teachers and students bustled about trying to find seats. Patrick squeezed into between two people he had never seen before that looked like they had done nothing to deserve this punishment, the academy. Mr. Oggle stood up on a stool and adjusted the height until he was perfectly placed higher than everyone in the room (although, he was on a platform.)  "Good day criminals! I hope you've all had a wonderful day learning about your stupid mistakes you made! Although, we do get paid for "teaching" you, so keep the mistakes going!"  Some teachers laughed and some students twitched. "I would like to introduce to you, a woman, who has changed my life." the crowd went quiet, "Madame MoFreair!" The woman Patrick has told he wasn't hungry to stood up. She was very skinny but had a large waste. She showed her bulky arms and the crown winced.  Patrick couldn't believe his eyes. That woman, he thought, would be training him.

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