Tomorrow is..........DECEMBER!!! I am soooooooooooooo excited and happy about what this last month of the year will bring! Presents, parties, 3 weeks off and sleeping in! Oh I am so happy. This weekend I have lots planned. Every weekend I try and make a list of fun things to do on my own time. This week I have a lot planned. I plan to, paint my nails/toes and remove the chipped nail polish on them, organize my room and backpack, go through clothes and pick out unwanted things, go shopping, go to the movies, by Christmas presents, and make Christmas list! I (sadly) also have some homework, but if I get that done today and before everything else, I'll have at least 30 hours of my own time!
     How about I check one of those things off the list right now? The Christmas list! This year I want a iPhone 5, some J Crew clothing, some new jewelry, and a new iHome speaker! I really hope I get the phone though, it would be my first phone and I have worked hard for it! Even if it is my only Christmas present, I'd take it! Joy to the Katie... the phone has come! Ooh I'd be so excited and I'd take really good care of it and not stay on it 24/7. I'd let my siblings play on it and keep it nice and not spend hours texting or on Instagram! 
     I hope everyone's Decembers are great and joyful! Hopefully everyone has a happy Christmas break and an even better Christmas day!  Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!
      Happy Friday everyone! I hope you enjoy your Friday and Thanksgiving Break! It's kind of weird to think that we are already at Thanksgiving! I am excited though, because I have so many things to be grateful for!
     One things I am grateful for would be freedom. I mean, imagine, what the United States of America would be like without freedom and rights. I can't imagine! I love my family, church, and am able to enjoy those things all becauswe of freedom. Antoher things i am grateful for, is my family. I love my family and all my friends and thank them for all they have done for me. One last thing I am thankful for is my house and its A.C and heater and all my house holds and supplies for. A long time ago, people didn't have those things and had to survive on food being cooked over a fire. Now, we have stoves, microwaves, ovens, fridges and much more. 
    A lot of the times, we get jealous because someone has something we don't have... I do that all the time! Just... we need to realize that we are so lucky to have what we have and be proud of who we are! So happy Thanksgiving, and if you get the chance, take some time to think about what you are grateful for and what you have.
    One of my aboslutly favorite months is November. There is not a lot to do, the weathe ris nice, and outside it is so colorful.  November used to be one of those months I hated. Now that I've grown, I find it beautiful and nice. One thing tht is noce about November for my family is it's my brother's 7th birthday! We are all so proud of the sweet boy he is and how special and talented he is as well. Another thing about November I really enjoy is knowing Christmas is one month away! It's so exciting! It's also fun to know that Thanksgiving is on its way! One last thing that I enjoy about November is the colorful surroundings outside. I love the leaves and the rain. It's always super fun for my family and I to see that it is raining or its nice outside! 
     Thanksgiving we all know is a time to give thanks to loved ones or to realized how lucky we are. One thing I deeply and thankful for is the oppurtunity to be free. We don't realize this but there are so many countries out there in need of help. They don't have what we have, especially a free country. I am lucky to live in America with my family, and I try and realize that a lot! 
     First of all, happy friday!!! Isn't it great to know the weekend is in our fingers!? We get to sleep in, relax, play, no homework. Sometimes that is how we wish it always was... well, not me. This weekend, I don't even have time to breathe. First of all, I made a "Must Do" list. Even thought the list is just for fun, I am deterrmined to get it done. I've never had a list like the one I made, and if I have, I haven't completed it. So I am really determined to check off everything ont hat list! I hve a few things on the list I can recall, like painting my nails, organizing my money, shopping online, work on my book, and make monster book marks. Even though I have a lot more on the list I still have things not on the list. I still have things I need to get finished. One, I have to clean my room. It's a mess! Second, I have a birthday party, and third, I have to babysit some kids.
     You might think I'll have some times to relax...well I don't! Plus, the birthday party goes 'till 11:00pm. That's not super duper late but still on a weekend where you wake up at 5:45 every weekday (except Thursdays,) you just want some peace and quiet and a comfy mattress. I'm just hoping I can be one quick bunny and hop through it all! And have a little time to breathe.
     Happy Halloween! I know, I know, Halloween isn't until Wednesday. Yes I know that, and I also know I have been blogging a lot about Halloween lately; well, what do you expect me to blog about with Halloween so close!? Anyways, my church is having a Halloween party tonight. Every year all the little kids (in my church and some visitors) go trick-or-treating around my church. They go to all these classrooms and ask for candy. This year, my friend ad I signed up to set up a classroom and hand out candy. Last night we set up our room and decorated it. We hung lights, streamers, and "Dead End" tape all around. It was super fun, the only problem is the lights. We hung them above the door but are nervous that they will fall and get slammed in  between the door. Plus, they are my moms lights and she told me to be careful with them. Luckily my friend and I nocticed the lights hanging and triple-taped all the lights back up! The sad thing is, who knows what happens over night? Oh well! I guess we will just have to find out! For now...Trick-or-treat? BOO!!!
     So, yesterday I got home and swam! After all, it was 95 degrees! After that I showered and got ready for dinner, pushing homework a little bit back. Dinner was pushed back and shopping for Halloween costumes took its place. 
     As I planned, I was going to be a minion from Despicable Me. My mom, grandma, and I looked on line for a little bit and found this really cool Alice In Wonderland costume. The costume was a dress from the 2nd movie. The one with Johnny Dep as the Mad Hatter. I really liked the costume but it was way to expensive. So we decided I should be the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, just from the first movie. We shopped and I found the coolest costume ever! I have a little crown and tights with a really fun dress. I'm so excited for Halloween! I can't wait to show people my costume! So that was my "little" change in the plan. The nice thing was... I still finished all my homework.
     As everyone (should) knows, Halloween is comping up! I love Halloween and am really excited to get candy and dress up in funny clothes. This year is going to be great because I am going to dress up as a minion from Despicable Me. I love that movie but started to question my self as I planned out my look for the costume. I thought, "Am I to old to dress up for Halloween?"  

     It made me sad, I really wanted to dress up for Halloween, I mean, everyone in my family dresses up. I don't want to stop and to be honest, after thinking about it, I don't plan too. I love Halloween and trick-or-treating, BOO!

     I like good news and a few weeks ago I got some! I'm moving! You would probably think that was sad for me, but everything is the same except for the house! The house is really big! It has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a pool, dining room, and grass! I'm really excited! My school will be the same, too, so that's all good. Our new house is a little old though. It has "popcorn" celings. My mom doesn't really like the look of the celings so my dad went in and started to scrape them. The celings look like cream cheese. I don't like cream cheeese, so it's probably best we are getting rid of them. I'm really happy I am able to move to a new home, I hope we have fun living in it. I guarentee we will!
   "Katelyn," Katelyn's mom smiled as she wiped of the granite counters in the kitchen, "Would you like to come to the store with me?"  Katelyn had absolutely no intrist in going to a "store" but Katelyn had nothing going on at the moment (like she ever would) so she went. Katelyn's mom unlocked the front door, "I thought we should walk. After all, the town is so small and we've been in the car for days."  Katelyn's mom smiled and started down the driveway. "So what do you think of the house? Do you like it? I know it was a change... just it was for the better. You'll make friends here too."  Katelyn kicked a rock into the road, "It's fine. I guess, I don't like my room or the or the house, or the city. Other than that, though, everythings great!"  No one talked the way to the store, once they found out they had no idea where they were going, they did. "Alright, lets see... the bakery is right there which means the grocery outlet is right there." Kately's mom poitned to a blank, empty, lot, holding nothing but trash and dirt. "Here we are."
 My Digital Life is a fun website everyone should check out sometime! My Digital Life teaches you about how important it is to stay safe on the internet. Sometimes, people can get carried away with electronics and put personal or inappropriate information on the internet. My Digital Life has taught me how important it is to saty safe and how to do it! My Digital Life has also taught me what are some tips for staying safe. For instance, your passwords or usernames are great examples! It is best to change your username and/or password every month and have a series of numbers, letters, and signs in them so no one knows its you! My Digital Life also shows what can happen if you put personal information on the internet. There are many people out there who can look at you. The sad thing is, you don't know who! My Digital Life is a great website full of useful information! Next time you're lost on the internet, go to My Digital Life!