Why is the sky blue? We already answered that question last week, but that was what I thought, now I'm talking about what I've learned and know. Well, the sky is blue because everything else is a color too. I mean we all know the sky isn't neon orange. Clearly, the sky is blue...but why? 

     The sky is blue because when light hits the sky is absorbs all the other colors, just not blue. It reflects blue, so that's why we see blue. It's like a red bouncy ball, it absorbs all the colors, including blue, but reflects red... that's why we see red when we play or look at the bouncy ball. It order for something to have color, it must absorb and reflect. Everything is the same way. Look at your grass, it's green, hopefully. Why is it green? Well it absorbs colors, but what does it reflect? It reflects green and that's why your grass...even though only your eyes are seeing the green. 

     Hopefully you now understand why the grass is green, why the sky is blue, and why a bouncy ball (which is red) is red. Absorb and Reflect (A & R) Absorb and Reflect. It's how color works, thankfully we have eyes that do the job for us so we don't have to figure out each objects color but looking at what it absorbs and what it reflects. I guess we have it pretty easy!

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