2 DAYS UNTIL THE CRUISE! Today we will be talking about super position which is basically the layering or rocks or just layers. The layers, which are basically rocks, sand, dirt,  and minerals slowly were laid on-top-of the Grand Canyon and built the Grand Canyon themselves. As time went on, the layers slowly pushed the big formation down, creating a ditch. This is why the Grand Canyon is a "canyon."  Have you ever caught that? 
     If you look close enough, you can see where super position has effected this earth. A lot of canyons, rivers, and trails were built this way. If you look close enough, just a little closer, you'll find something. In fact, try this, try to find 3 places where super positioning has effected this earth. you can google it, ask a teacher, or even if you have a picture or live by one1 
     That was supposed to be a joke up there, so hahaha! No? Alright, that's cool. Well, welcome back! I'm super (not) excited to be back in school starting off a wonderful educational week! Today, I am writing on Peppered Moths and how they, well, changed. Peppered Moths were found in Europe a little bit around the time when manufacturing was just being introduced. They were studied and after a while, scientists started noticing that they seemed to be changing color from white, to a dark peppered looking color. After studying more, scientists evaluated that the pollution in the air form the manufacturing was causing the peppered moths to change color. 
     An interesting thing thought about peppered moths that scientists also found out was that light-colored peppered moths were more likely to survive in a light-colored forest than darker moths. It was the same for darker-moths in a dark-colored forest. It sounds really understandable to. Like a bunch of square blocks stacked on-top-of each other with one triangle on top, we all know the triangle is going to stand out more. The problem was, light-peppered moths, were being used as lunch for some really hungry animals in the dark-colored forest called... just kidding there's no "monster."
   Evolution. Sounds like a type of lotion if you ask me, but some people believe that Evolution is how us humans began. Others believe God created us, but for today, we will be focusing on Evolution. 
     Lets say we're in a jungle and food has been dying and poison and disease has spread. Okay, now what? Well, this may sound a little disturbing but it's also what can happen at any time, too. Some animals are forced to eat each other and others mate. Mating with other animals like a wolf and a fox (just an example) could possibly give you a hunting dog. Most likely not though, that was just an example. Through mating, and living on, other species could be created. A lot of people believe that Evolution was how mankind was created, through monkeys. After all, we all can act like monkeys at times.
     No matter what you believe, Evolution is a very cool subject to study and I really enforce it. It's cool to think how certain animals came to be and how much they change our society. Thanks to evolution, our zoos, T.V. shows, and our imagination has grown. Think about what is going to happen in the future. Think about what movies would be like if there was no such animal as a gorilla, or even a dog? Where would our world be today, as of 2013?!?!?!?
   In science class with Mrs. Poole, my class and I have recently been studying genetics, traits, and characteristics. We worked with Punnett squares, pennies, and lots of charts just to figure out possibilities that could be inherited. At first, my mind was buzzing. Our craft tools were set upon the table in a box. There were scissors, pennies, and tape. We were making a family! Out of some paper! Woohoo! There we lots of different ways that your family could look like. Some had square eyes. some had circle. Some had round eyes and some had square. Some had square teeth, and some had pointed. There were many different ways "characterize" you family... just you had to use a penny. Let's say T is for tall and t is for short. Heads is dominant and tails is recessive, you flip a heads then another heads. So you end up with  TT which meant your child would be quite tall.
     I learned a lot from this experiment and honestly it helped me. I think future students would really enjoy doing this just as much as I did! Now I know about genetics, genes, and traits!!!