Cells, at least once in their "lifetime", reproduce. cells don't reproduce like humans or platns do... the reproduce throught series of steps. The first step to the reproduction of a cell is called the interphase. The interphase in generally where the cell grow to its mature size and starts and makes a copy of its DNA. There are a few other steps but just to get on topic, some cells use mitosis to reproduce. Mitosis, even when used, still has some steps to it. Its basically the same thing. The first step the cell makes a copy of its DNA and grows. The second step the DNA starts to form into little spindle and makes their way toward the center of the cell. After a while, the cell enters the next phase where the spindle go to 2 opposite sides of the cell and pull to rip the cell. After that the cell is ripped and a new membrane forms creating a new cell!
     It is hard to imagine what life would be like without cells... most likely no life at all! Sometimes it is also hard to imagine that things (cells) that tiny can exist. We always just have to, sometime, think about little living, tiny living, things inside us. They are just they help us saty healthy and strong!

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