We can't see them, but we know they are there. Even though there are many microscopic things in our bodies and world, these things tend to be some of the most important to our body and world. There are many different parts of a cell all with special jobs to help our body, I would like to write about 3 of them, the nucleolus, the nucleus, and the ribosomes. The nucleus is the cell's brain. It tells the cell, basically, what to do and when to do it,  it like the brain for our body just for a cell. DNA or chromantin is found inside the nucleusThe nucleolus is the main enery source for a cell, the nucleolus is found inside of the nucleus right in the center of a cell, most of the time. The last and very intersting part of a cell is the ribosomes. The ribosomes produce protein for a cell, and as we know, protein is very important.
     Even though we can't see them, cells and their parts are very important to our bodies "plans." Cells, we know are very important, but what wouplda cell be without it parts. Just like we have parts to our body, a cell being included, cells have parts too! If a cell part didn't function, the cell wouldn't function and then our body would stop working. They all tie together, that is why some of the smallest things ever... are some of the most important.

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