Ok, it has to do with DNA. Done?! Nope! Here's how this process works. When DNA replicates, it replicates through a series of stages; like growth. When you were born, you were called an infant. Once you turned three the word toddler came about. Once your about fifteen to sixteen you are a teenager. You get the idea? So anyways DNA goes through these stages. A quick way I remember these stages are "IP MAT C " I stands for Interphase which we will be talking about today. The P stands for Prophase and the M stands for Metaphase. The A and T are for Anaphase and Telophase. Last, the C is for Cytokinesis. 
     Interphase is the first stage to DNA and its replication process. During Interphase a cell grows to its fullest size and (technically) clones its DNA. The DNA is replicated, so the next cell(s) get the exact amount the parent cell had.  That's pretty much it and how DNA is replicated during all of the stages. It grows then replicates. 
     So next time your teacher needs a report on Interphase, you'll know what to do! Good luck! Just remember "IP MAT C" and you'll have it DOWN!

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