Yep! It's me... Katie! I'm back and ready to start the next quarter at Computech and semester. This year sure has gone by fast and I'm glad to be back in school, for all I know, I could've ruined my brain being out so long!
     This semester is going to be a little tricky for me in my math class because of changes. I switched to a new math class and a new math teacher. I was having a tricky time in Algebra, so I moved to Pre-Algebra.  Ilike it better because it's easier to learn. One thing I do remember from my Algebra class was graphing. When your about to graph something, you just look for the equation "y = mx +b" pretty simple. All of the work needs to be in this form, slope-intercept form, in order to do some actual work. Y is clearly our answer, thank you equal sign. M is the slope and X is our variable. B is where our line meets the Y axis. This concept was really tricky for me at first but look at me now, it's really paying off.
     Even though math isn't my favorite subject, it doesn't mean I don't listen. I really do try to have math concepts stick to my brain, the problem is, they just don't. Sometimes its not always best to be put in a high level class before re-doing the basics. I am glad I made this decision to move into Pre- Algebra because I will learn more, quicker, and easier than how I was in Algebra. We all take steps, just we can't always skip the the first step.

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