


    Volume is the amount of cubic units you can fit inside an object. We normally use volume for 3 dimensional objects like cubes. In oder to find the volume of something you multiply its length, its width, and its heighth to come to a conclusion about its volume. Like a cube, if the cube's length was 6 units, and it height was 6 units, and its width was 6 units; you would multiply its length, width, and heighth. So 6x6x6x=216 cubic units. 

    What if the object you were measuring was and irregular object? What would you do then? The rules would be the same. If you had an irregular object, all you would need to do would be to find its length, width,and heighth and multiply them. Just like we did for the cube. See, volume is really easier than people think. Just remember length, width, and heighth all multiplied together equal your volume! Don't forget the cubic units!

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