We see exponents a lot of the time used in mathmatical equations. Exponents are the little numbers in the upper right hand corner of other numbers. Sometimes we see a 2 and another 2 in the big 2's corner. That means we take the larger 2 and multiply it 2 times by itself. So... 2 x 2 = 4. What if you saw a 2 and a 3 in its corner? Same thing, just you would multiply the   2   3 times by itself. So... 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. When we see a 2 in a numbers "corner or space" we call it "squared." So when you see a 2 in a number's corner that basically is " 2 Squared."  When you see a 3 in a number's "corner or space" that means cubed, "2 Cubed"  
    Exponents are sometimes hard to understand because peole think the exponent is the number you multiply with the "big" number. That's not true! Don't believe it! The exponent is the how many times you are going to multiply the number against itself. See?! This is a lot easier than people make it look! So work hard and practice those silly exponents!

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