It always happens in the movies. The head cheerleader picking on the nerds, or the popular kids on the geeks; but does it really happen. Sadly, the answer to that question is "Yes, bullying can happen". It can happen to anyone and anywhere. That's why it is important to make friendly and good friends that would never hurt you in any way.
    I had never been bullied before until one day at my dance studio. I wsa reading (finishing up my homework) and a girl came up and took my book and started making rude things out of comments I had made when talking with my friends. They weren't rude or hurtful comments, in fact they were like funny and happy comments. I don't know why the girl had decided to be so mean to me. I didn't like it, and I cried. It was pretty embarassing to cry and have everyone stare at you; but I was frustrated and was upset. I didn't know what to do. The problem was solved and I forgave her. 
    Things like this happen all the time. It really is sad. That is why we need to stand up for someone in need and do them a favor.

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