It was just before school started up again my father died. He died tragically and didn't deserve what happened. My family was so hurt. Sometimes, it was hard to get out of bed in the morning. Coming back from the funeral was the hardest. Seeing all my dad's letters, clothes, and memories made me want to disappear... to anywhere. My mom was just as bad as I was, she didn't make any meals, do the laundry, or clean the house. My brother half the time was busy, but you could tell he wanted to comfort my mom or disappear like me. It was only after about two-and a half weeks he asked me to help him with dinner. We served some to mom, who we hadn't seen in days. She was sitting on her bed, the sheets tangled and half of them on the floor. Her face was pale and traces of tears were visible from her door. I carried a tray and my brother balanced the food on his arm. We set it down; she looked away, then we slowly left the room. "Why is it so easy for you to forget what happened?" I asked Jacob. He glared at me and through his teeth he said, "I didn't forget. I'm trying to though." he stormed into the kitchen then kicked a chair over. I ran to pick it up, but I was just as bad and threw it back down, I started to get weak then ran to the couch only to curl up and try and forget everything like Jacob... it was harder than it looked. When something you've had your whole life, leaves, you can hardly live without it. Jacob didn't stop. As I curled up, I heard the kitchen cupboards fly open and things pile to the ground. This was what "miserable" must have felt like.... no dictionary term needed.

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